Friday, October 22, 2010

Jeanne Becker Said it Best!

I've just learned that powerhouse fashionista, Jeanne Becker has added the Humber degree of Applied Business-Fashion Management to her never-ending list of achievements. In another 2 and a half years we'll have that in common! The Eye Weekly article spoke about her life, focusing on her now 25 years with FT. She is such an icon for anyone pursing a fashion career, wherever they may be in the world. But, the thing that stuck out like a sore thumb to me was how the hell she managed to get where she is today.

"I mean, it’s very flattering that I made what I do look like so much fun that they want to do it, too. But it’s like, "Hey, you know what? This job didn’t exist before I started doing it — you have to blaze your own trail. And that’s another important message I want to tell the kids: it’s not about being like somebody else. I mean, yes, you can be like them in terms of your energy and passion, but in terms of really doing something, try and take it to the next level. I really don’t think we have enough original thinkers in this world and that sometimes worries me."

This really inspired and pretty much hit me like a ton of bricks (excuse the overused cliche). It's so true, there are so many successful people who "went off the beaten path" so to speak. Unfortunately, where I'm from, in order to be successful you need to become a doctor, teacher, nurse, engineer, etc, etc, etc. you know, the normal-everyday careers. Obviously, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with these choices, but what's wrong with going with the career choice you love? I find it kind of sad that people may give up on their dreams because they are not "attainable." After all, the typical person spends 50% or more of their lives working. And if you hate your job, welcome to hell. Seriously, is it worth it?  I'll leave on that note. Happy career hunting to those about to endure the tedious adventure.

Check out the full interview here

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